So I forgot to tell you what I did with the rest of my weekend.
Sunday afternoon is usually spent at Ashish’s place watching some or the other movie.
The rules:
#1.Nobody is supposed to arrive on time
#2.Not all the movies you watch might make sense, and most usually are a waste of time
#3.Ashish only gets as courteous as offering his guests some water, or if in a good mood, coffee…The dimly lit theatre (aka his filthy room) may sometimes be too over crowded so watch your step.
#4.You are allowed to voice your opinions at any time and may even walk out if you find the movie boring, confusing and/or utterly stupid.
#5.It is compulsory to emit high pitched screams when watching a horror movie, only to add to the effect of nailbiting fear, and when watching a bubble gum romantic comedy, it is absolutely necessary to go “awww..” at all the kissing scenes.
#6।Trying to predict what happens next is the only other entertainment, while watching a boring movie and for those who’ve already watched a particular movie and know how it eventually ends, it is compulsory that they ruin it for others!!
#7।The main idea behind 'Movie time' is basically to waste time and also to make fun of one another (popularly known as 'spending quality time with one's friends' )
#8.At the end of 3 hours if you are still bored, Coffee House is always open ;)
Now that you know the rules…..picture this Ashish, Nicole and I watching “A walk to remember” starring Mandy Moore! (All Nicole’s choice!!) The name Mandy Moore gives you an exact picture of how the movie will be. Mandy will be this ‘sweet lil thing’ and will fall for a guy who’s either the geek, the nerd, the popular guy (of course later she’ll find out he’s not all he’s made out to be, so he obviously she’ll dunp him or for the sake of more drama he’ll dump her) the pretty boy or the bad boy. By the end of the movie, the events that follow somehow manage to transform the geek, the nerd, the popular guy, the pretty boy or the bad boy into a perfect gentleman, and there you have it!!...Happily ever after…..All’s well that ends well!!
But alas this movie turned out to be a let down!. As it started it didn’t even seem like a Mandy Moore, girly chick flick!. It turns out Mandy was the geek and the bad boy falls for her. After hearing that you’ll say, so ok, by the time the movie ends Mandy will be a teen queen and that’s how it’ll end. But it didn’t??..Surprise surprise, in the end Mandy dies and her out law boyfriend, goes to medical school??
What kinda crap is that!...Mandy Moore movies aren’t supposed to end like that!!....What a disappointment!!...
Finally Nicole and I lost all points for not being able to predict the end, and Ashish just kept himself busy by watching the two of us solve the puzzle and getting ready for his next ‘engagement’ of the evening!.....
However in the end rule #8 still applied and Coffee House was still open ;)