That is what you feel, when the System Alert balloon on the Desktop of your computer flashes. Big, bright, yellow, a triangle with an exclamation mark. Yup, that one.
Two years of Computer Science, and yet, it all proves useless, when a big, bright, yellow triangle is flashing away.
Then again two years of Computer Science, isn't of course, two whole years, since we bunked more often than we should have. But if I may say, a text book, again, does not help when a big, bright, yellow triangle is flashing away!!
Our trusted home computer, has suffered much, in the one year, that it has been left in my care. I'm pretty sure, it would rather have my brother Cliff, stay home, instead of miles away, just so that it was spared this routine torture of an anti-virus going through all it's thousands of files and folders.
Clifford is known to be quite the computer whiz, keeping our computer clean and free from viruses, even seeing the signs, much before anything serious happens.
And then there is me, who thinks the computer is just having a bad day, when it works slower, or hangs from time to time. And mind you, I'M the on who's "studied" the subject of computers :P
The last time, I had to call Ashish to nurse my computer back to health. He did. It took a couple of hours, over a span of three days to fix it. Yes, the problem was THAT huge. "C: drive" was totally destroyed or some such thing. He made sure to make fun of me and let me know what a complete idiot I am. "Who uses the internet, without having a proper anti-virus"....Ahem...ME?!?!
And yesterday, this "Virus Heat" thing, told me I had 174 virus threats on my PC and that I should register and clean it up. I ran the anti-virus I already had and it found only 3. I began to hyperventilate, wondering what was wrong. Keep in mind, this time Ashish is all the way in Hyderabad, hence he's unavailable. I make a coupla long distance calls to Charlene, who by the way, was in a hospital delivery room, or somewhere close to one. In case you're wondering, no, I wouldn't be crazy enough to ask a woman in labour, for advice on how to clean up a virus. "ehh Charlene, I know your a little busy right now, but I was just wondering, could you tell me how....*in the background* "Once more Charlene, one more, one, two, three..PUSHHH!!" Hmmm come to think of it, that would be hilarious. But, no, Charlene's cousin, Jenny, was having a baby. Not that you need to know, but Jenny had a baby boy :)
So Charlene tries to figure out what I'm babbling about. (I tend to do that, even more so, when there's a big, bright, yellow triangle flashing away..
Sadly Charlene was unable to make any sense of my nonsensical babble.
So next I decide to do something on my own. What a BAD idea!! This'll never work!! Oh by the way, during all this time, the warning continues to pop up on the screen at regular intervals, like the boogie man out of nowhere...."MWHAHA, i got you now, lets corrupt some files"
And then! Thank God for the internet, it might give you viruses and everything, BUT, you can also talk over long distances, with brothers who live in Dubai!! I frantically type out everything I have come to learn about this wretched boogie man, and all the symptoms my computer seems to display, while at the other end, Cliff does is research on what exactly could be causing this sudden outburst of big, bright, yellow triangles...
And it has to be said, it took him just a couple of minutes to figure out what was wrong. Which leads me to believe, either he's really good at this, or I'm just plain stoopid!
FINALLY, it turns out "Virus Heat" WAS the virus, and was trying to trick me into registering for the ANTI-VIRUS, which claimed it could get rid of the 174 viruses, fake ones that too, that were supposedly attacking my computer, which would in fact, be the very VIRUS that would cause more problems..
Yeah...ahem...I was kinda stupid enough to fall for that trick...ahem...
So finally, after numerous instructions, and restarting my computer in "safe mode" (yes, I have learnt, that you can actually do that) I was finally able to rid my poor computer of the plague, and big, bright, yellow triangles finally stopped flashing...phew!
What have I learnt after all this you ask?
I need to update my anti-virus, and QUICK!!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
The only constant thing in life, is change!!
Last week, I attended a school reunion. I was pretty excited about it, since I've lost touch with almost everyone I knew in school, so when I heard about the reunion, I knew I was gonna go for sure. It'd been 3 years since I'd met anyone, and really wanted to know what everyone was doing with their lives.
It wasn't a big group of people, just about 45 people showed up, the others were either too busy, out of town, and some couldn't care less. Nonetheless I doubt anyone was gonna let that ruin it.
It's very awkward when someone yells your name from across the room, walks upto you with a big bright smile, and asks you how you are, and what you're doing....you proceed to tell them the goings on in your life, and then suddenly it strikes you, like a brick in the face, "Oh no, whats her name?!?!" You're brain then starts to scan all the "faces" you know, searching for a name tag. Was her name Apurva? or no, wait I think it was Tripti? or Anoushka? This process might take from a few seconds, to a coupla minutes, and all this while, all your face muscles manage to do is force a smile, whereas your brain is a mess, busy sorting through it's long term memory folder, which is, at the moment, out of order.
And then you say, "Sooo....umm whats up with you?" You can avoid the embarrassment, you don't HAVE to address her by name. Just act casual, ask normal questions, "Where are you now? What college are you in? What courses are you doing?". You know, the usual.
What you don't count on, is her asking you, "You do remember me, right?" Dammit! I think that forced smile might have given it away! Now what? You say, "Ofcourse I remember! Don't be silly." Laugh nervously. I bet that expression on your face says, "Oh come on!! It's been 3 long years since I last saw your face, OKAY, so I don't remember your name. What I do remember, is that you got slapped across the face, by Ma'am Delphine, for "dae-dreamaing about sillae bai's (boys)" Yeah that Delphine, was and still is quite a bitch! Meanwhile you're brain is a storm of random names, or actually just a tornado or random words. Don't ask why, but for some unexplainable reason, I thought of see-saws!!
And then,just when you think it's over, a shrill voice from across the room goes, "Oh my God!! Tripti Bajaj!!" TRIPTI!! I knew it! TRIPTI BAJAJ! How could I have forgotten? The girl was infamous! Saving grace! The forced smile, turns to one of relief. All you say is, "Go ahead, I'll catch up with the others. Have fun"....WALK AWAY, WALK AWAY NOW!!!
All in all the reunion was fun. You realize just how much has changed, when all you talk about, is what happened in the past, bunking classes, hanging out in the auditorium, getting punished under the soapnut tree and kneeling all day! Ma'am Celine falling off the platform while taking Biology class, amoung many others.
In one way a lot has changed, just like they're supposed to, just like you knew they would. But on the other hand, somethings haven't changed at all. The quiet, shy girls are either still the same, or have come out of their shells a little too much. The sluts are still the sluts they used to be, now maybe they have a mobile phone and are on the pill. The rich kids, still the rich kids obviously, they ofcousre always had mobile phones, though now, they have better ones.
And then there's that group of people you hung out with, everyday of your life, for more than 10 years. You haven't seen them in mor than 3, and yet, not much seems different, Shanu's got her nose pierced, Renuka, is still the bubbly, over excited, thing she always was. Josini, has past way beyond the already high score she had on the smart-o-meter.....And all of a sudden you miss everyone.
It wasn't a big group of people, just about 45 people showed up, the others were either too busy, out of town, and some couldn't care less. Nonetheless I doubt anyone was gonna let that ruin it.
It's very awkward when someone yells your name from across the room, walks upto you with a big bright smile, and asks you how you are, and what you're doing....you proceed to tell them the goings on in your life, and then suddenly it strikes you, like a brick in the face, "Oh no, whats her name?!?!" You're brain then starts to scan all the "faces" you know, searching for a name tag. Was her name Apurva? or no, wait I think it was Tripti? or Anoushka? This process might take from a few seconds, to a coupla minutes, and all this while, all your face muscles manage to do is force a smile, whereas your brain is a mess, busy sorting through it's long term memory folder, which is, at the moment, out of order.
And then you say, "Sooo....umm whats up with you?" You can avoid the embarrassment, you don't HAVE to address her by name. Just act casual, ask normal questions, "Where are you now? What college are you in? What courses are you doing?". You know, the usual.
What you don't count on, is her asking you, "You do remember me, right?" Dammit! I think that forced smile might have given it away! Now what? You say, "Ofcourse I remember! Don't be silly." Laugh nervously. I bet that expression on your face says, "Oh come on!! It's been 3 long years since I last saw your face, OKAY, so I don't remember your name. What I do remember, is that you got slapped across the face, by Ma'am Delphine, for "dae-dreamaing about sillae bai's (boys)" Yeah that Delphine, was and still is quite a bitch! Meanwhile you're brain is a storm of random names, or actually just a tornado or random words. Don't ask why, but for some unexplainable reason, I thought of see-saws!!
And then,just when you think it's over, a shrill voice from across the room goes, "Oh my God!! Tripti Bajaj!!" TRIPTI!! I knew it! TRIPTI BAJAJ! How could I have forgotten? The girl was infamous! Saving grace! The forced smile, turns to one of relief. All you say is, "Go ahead, I'll catch up with the others. Have fun"....WALK AWAY, WALK AWAY NOW!!!
All in all the reunion was fun. You realize just how much has changed, when all you talk about, is what happened in the past, bunking classes, hanging out in the auditorium, getting punished under the soapnut tree and kneeling all day! Ma'am Celine falling off the platform while taking Biology class, amoung many others.
In one way a lot has changed, just like they're supposed to, just like you knew they would. But on the other hand, somethings haven't changed at all. The quiet, shy girls are either still the same, or have come out of their shells a little too much. The sluts are still the sluts they used to be, now maybe they have a mobile phone and are on the pill. The rich kids, still the rich kids obviously, they ofcousre always had mobile phones, though now, they have better ones.
And then there's that group of people you hung out with, everyday of your life, for more than 10 years. You haven't seen them in mor than 3, and yet, not much seems different, Shanu's got her nose pierced, Renuka, is still the bubbly, over excited, thing she always was. Josini, has past way beyond the already high score she had on the smart-o-meter.....And all of a sudden you miss everyone.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Okay, I have reason to be proud today!
I have finally got my drivers license, and no, not for a four wheeler. A goddamn TWO-WHEELER!! And that too after having to renew my Learner's license, THRICE!!
Now now before u jump to any conclusions about my driving skills, which by the way many people i know do not trust at all, because of the amount of times Ive met with accidents and fallen of the bike and once seriously injured myself and one of my friends Cynthia. If I may say though, most of these times that I've fallen off a two wheeler, I've been a pillion rider. Like the one time, we were driving to Westside to sing for the winter Carnival at Westside and Cliff dropped me when i was wearing a skirt into dirty water, my white t-shirt was black and torn, and I was forced to wear a jacket and sing "Jingle Bells" even though my butt changed colours from black to blue, to a very ugly purple-y colour over the next 2 weeks that followed!! I've actually only met with an accident, because of my own fault once, when I'd just learnt to ride right after 10th grade, once when a dog came in the way, and one other time when a few kids in the locality were learning to ride a cycle and I tried to avoid them. Ok, so thats a lot of times, but thats besides the point here!! The important thing to note here is that, all these times, I've been trying to save someone else from getting injured, namely the dog, the little kids etc etc....and you think Im just a bad driver!
The 1st time I made my Learner's license, forgot it had an expiry date and hence forgot to give the driving test in time! (Yes, see besides being selfless, Im also a law abiding citizen, who gives these driving test thingy's, while most others pay the dalal and somehow twist and turn the rules and get their permanent licenses without giving any such driving test) THEN, since the 1st license has expired Im forced to make another one, a Learner's again. This time I make sure I give the test before the bloody thing expires again. But alas, i FAIL!! The 1st "test" I've ever failed in, and it has to be a driving test!??!...In my defense though, the girl ahead of me knew nothing about Road Signs, every question was answered with a, "Sir, nahi aata" accompanied with one of those smiles thats supposed to mean, "Im just a pretty, innocent girl, won't you just let me slip by" And then this "officer" fails me!!...ME!! Just because I extended my LEFT hand when I was talking a LEFT turn! (now you ask whats wrong with that, for those of you who might not know, in India, officially, when your taking a left turn, you're supposed to extend your right hand, and rotate it, THAT is the signal for a LEFT turn?!!? Why couldn't they just use some common sense, and make it easier allow people just extend their LEFT hand when they take a LEFT turn?!?! doesn't that make more sense??!? Or just let them use the bloody indicator, what else is it there for?!?
Oh well, so I fail the test, and Im required to make yet ANOTHER Learner's license, if you've lost count, this is lucky number THREE!
SO today is the day, I go to give the test a second time, I attend the 1st class at college, I would have bunked altogether, but Kaalmegh is on my tail and would positively strangle me if i bunked one of her classes again! So i attend her class, and then bunk English to go give the test. The 1st time I gave the test, I had one of those guys from the driving school along with me, the 2nd time dad came along with me, this time however, everyone has just given up on me, and Im all alone. Nothing bad about that, except that at these government offices nothing ever seems to happen unless you know someone sitting behind the desks. I brace myself, telling myself I can do it. So what if i can't speak Marathi, I can still understand it! I then realize i spoke too soon, coz all the counter's are clearly marked, in Marathi, but it's not those simple words i know, "Majha naav Melanie aahe", now thats simple, but this was all gibberish to me!! Anyhow I ask around, making many rounds around the whole building in the process, and then of course, there is the occasional uncleji, who seems ever so interested in helping a "maydum" who has a completely clueless, almost desperate look on her face. Of course the uncleji who helped me out, referred me me as "baby", I guess he's pretty old then..
Paper work done, fees paid, now all I need to do is pass that blasted driving test!! (I hope your noticing the "law abiding citizen" bit again) DAMMIT, there's a line, a long one that too. Now what am i to do?? I have to get back to college at 1pm, coz this time Kekte Sir is gonna be on my tail, and he too will positively strangle me if I miss another class, and plus this time I've actually completed my assignment! I need a plan! I decide to jump the line, I casually walk upto random girl and ask her about whats happening and how we're supposed to go about his whole thing. I stand there for 5 minutes, asking questions at regular intervals, so as to not break the momentum. 5 minutes turns to 10, and before u know it, voila, it's my turn!...Smooth as ever, cool as a cat, or is is cool as a cucumber?..whichever. I give my papers in, do the "figure of eight" ride around. This time i make sure to indicate LEFT, by rotating my RIGHT hand! Funny how Im nervous, despite knowing there's no way Im not gonna fall off my gaadi or any such thing.
But it's finally over, I rush back to college just in time for Kekte Sir's class, oh well actually we was already in class, but i sneaked in when he was writing on the black board :)
Im smart AND I get my permanant license in 10 days! HA!
I have finally got my drivers license, and no, not for a four wheeler. A goddamn TWO-WHEELER!! And that too after having to renew my Learner's license, THRICE!!
Now now before u jump to any conclusions about my driving skills, which by the way many people i know do not trust at all, because of the amount of times Ive met with accidents and fallen of the bike and once seriously injured myself and one of my friends Cynthia. If I may say though, most of these times that I've fallen off a two wheeler, I've been a pillion rider. Like the one time, we were driving to Westside to sing for the winter Carnival at Westside and Cliff dropped me when i was wearing a skirt into dirty water, my white t-shirt was black and torn, and I was forced to wear a jacket and sing "Jingle Bells" even though my butt changed colours from black to blue, to a very ugly purple-y colour over the next 2 weeks that followed!! I've actually only met with an accident, because of my own fault once, when I'd just learnt to ride right after 10th grade, once when a dog came in the way, and one other time when a few kids in the locality were learning to ride a cycle and I tried to avoid them. Ok, so thats a lot of times, but thats besides the point here!! The important thing to note here is that, all these times, I've been trying to save someone else from getting injured, namely the dog, the little kids etc etc....and you think Im just a bad driver!
The 1st time I made my Learner's license, forgot it had an expiry date and hence forgot to give the driving test in time! (Yes, see besides being selfless, Im also a law abiding citizen, who gives these driving test thingy's, while most others pay the dalal and somehow twist and turn the rules and get their permanent licenses without giving any such driving test) THEN, since the 1st license has expired Im forced to make another one, a Learner's again. This time I make sure I give the test before the bloody thing expires again. But alas, i FAIL!! The 1st "test" I've ever failed in, and it has to be a driving test!??!...In my defense though, the girl ahead of me knew nothing about Road Signs, every question was answered with a, "Sir, nahi aata" accompanied with one of those smiles thats supposed to mean, "Im just a pretty, innocent girl, won't you just let me slip by" And then this "officer" fails me!!...ME!! Just because I extended my LEFT hand when I was talking a LEFT turn! (now you ask whats wrong with that, for those of you who might not know, in India, officially, when your taking a left turn, you're supposed to extend your right hand, and rotate it, THAT is the signal for a LEFT turn?!!? Why couldn't they just use some common sense, and make it easier allow people just extend their LEFT hand when they take a LEFT turn?!?! doesn't that make more sense??!? Or just let them use the bloody indicator, what else is it there for?!?
Oh well, so I fail the test, and Im required to make yet ANOTHER Learner's license, if you've lost count, this is lucky number THREE!
SO today is the day, I go to give the test a second time, I attend the 1st class at college, I would have bunked altogether, but Kaalmegh is on my tail and would positively strangle me if i bunked one of her classes again! So i attend her class, and then bunk English to go give the test. The 1st time I gave the test, I had one of those guys from the driving school along with me, the 2nd time dad came along with me, this time however, everyone has just given up on me, and Im all alone. Nothing bad about that, except that at these government offices nothing ever seems to happen unless you know someone sitting behind the desks. I brace myself, telling myself I can do it. So what if i can't speak Marathi, I can still understand it! I then realize i spoke too soon, coz all the counter's are clearly marked, in Marathi, but it's not those simple words i know, "Majha naav Melanie aahe", now thats simple, but this was all gibberish to me!! Anyhow I ask around, making many rounds around the whole building in the process, and then of course, there is the occasional uncleji, who seems ever so interested in helping a "maydum" who has a completely clueless, almost desperate look on her face. Of course the uncleji who helped me out, referred me me as "baby", I guess he's pretty old then..
Paper work done, fees paid, now all I need to do is pass that blasted driving test!! (I hope your noticing the "law abiding citizen" bit again) DAMMIT, there's a line, a long one that too. Now what am i to do?? I have to get back to college at 1pm, coz this time Kekte Sir is gonna be on my tail, and he too will positively strangle me if I miss another class, and plus this time I've actually completed my assignment! I need a plan! I decide to jump the line, I casually walk upto random girl and ask her about whats happening and how we're supposed to go about his whole thing. I stand there for 5 minutes, asking questions at regular intervals, so as to not break the momentum. 5 minutes turns to 10, and before u know it, voila, it's my turn!...Smooth as ever, cool as a cat, or is is cool as a cucumber?..whichever. I give my papers in, do the "figure of eight" ride around. This time i make sure to indicate LEFT, by rotating my RIGHT hand! Funny how Im nervous, despite knowing there's no way Im not gonna fall off my gaadi or any such thing.
But it's finally over, I rush back to college just in time for Kekte Sir's class, oh well actually we was already in class, but i sneaked in when he was writing on the black board :)
Im smart AND I get my permanant license in 10 days! HA!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Christmas at Jubilee Bakery :)
So, another Chiristmas has come to and end at Jubilee Bakery, phew! What a coupla days it has been, but finally the last, tiny jam tart filled with jam with a lil shortcrust cross made on top is perfectly baked and sold to the last restless, agitated customer.
Most people associate Christmas with Santa Claus, gifts, shopping sprees, discounts all that. For me, when u say Christmas, I think cakes, and lots of them, chocolates and fudge lying around the house waiting to be packed in boxes, empty bowls with leftover chocolate waiting to be licked clean :P
It can be quite traumatic actually. A shop full of people, waiting impatiently to be serviced, annoyed customers yelling at you. People running with trays filled with christmas goodies, mom yelling her head off in the bakery thinking it would actually speed up the work...quite a sight i must say!
I dislike Christmas time at the bakery for one reason and one reason only, it is too busy definately, so much so that my family and I really don't enjoy that "joyous feeling" enough. But a week before Christmas, I am given the duty of helping in the bakery while mom, dad and sister are busy back stage. Which means customers that do not get that pack of jam tarts have only one person to get pissed off at...lil old me, who doesn't even call the shots around there. I mean Im just doing what im told to do! Oh well this year was much better, we all found a way to laugh through tired brains and painful feet...
But then no matter how much i dislike Christmas time at the bakery, this is what Christmas is to me. It's busy, crazy busy, it's the house being filled with marzipan, the christmas decorations not up yet and christmas cards not sent yet, it's sitting around the table wrapping chocolates and singing carols with the family (something that gives me immense pleasure, because it's a time when we all bond, each singing his/her part in the carol) So if I was suddenly whisked away to some other place, and all this was missing, all this hulla-bulla, i would miss it. Because this is what my Christmas is supposed to be, hulla-bulla et al :)
The end of yet another busy Christmas season here at Jubilee Bakery, at the end of the day, we all have dinner together and still laugh at how we got through, like we've all just conquered the world, and played our little part in over 100 years of Jubilee Bakery history :D
But i think the best part about it all, happens when Im tired and sleepy at the end of a long Christmas eve, Im going to bed, and mom says, "Thank you for all the help Melanie" :)
PS: Merry Christmas to the world out there and whosoever be reading this, Peace, love and good will to all :)
Most people associate Christmas with Santa Claus, gifts, shopping sprees, discounts all that. For me, when u say Christmas, I think cakes, and lots of them, chocolates and fudge lying around the house waiting to be packed in boxes, empty bowls with leftover chocolate waiting to be licked clean :P
It can be quite traumatic actually. A shop full of people, waiting impatiently to be serviced, annoyed customers yelling at you. People running with trays filled with christmas goodies, mom yelling her head off in the bakery thinking it would actually speed up the work...quite a sight i must say!
I dislike Christmas time at the bakery for one reason and one reason only, it is too busy definately, so much so that my family and I really don't enjoy that "joyous feeling" enough. But a week before Christmas, I am given the duty of helping in the bakery while mom, dad and sister are busy back stage. Which means customers that do not get that pack of jam tarts have only one person to get pissed off at...lil old me, who doesn't even call the shots around there. I mean Im just doing what im told to do! Oh well this year was much better, we all found a way to laugh through tired brains and painful feet...
But then no matter how much i dislike Christmas time at the bakery, this is what Christmas is to me. It's busy, crazy busy, it's the house being filled with marzipan, the christmas decorations not up yet and christmas cards not sent yet, it's sitting around the table wrapping chocolates and singing carols with the family (something that gives me immense pleasure, because it's a time when we all bond, each singing his/her part in the carol) So if I was suddenly whisked away to some other place, and all this was missing, all this hulla-bulla, i would miss it. Because this is what my Christmas is supposed to be, hulla-bulla et al :)
The end of yet another busy Christmas season here at Jubilee Bakery, at the end of the day, we all have dinner together and still laugh at how we got through, like we've all just conquered the world, and played our little part in over 100 years of Jubilee Bakery history :D
But i think the best part about it all, happens when Im tired and sleepy at the end of a long Christmas eve, Im going to bed, and mom says, "Thank you for all the help Melanie" :)
PS: Merry Christmas to the world out there and whosoever be reading this, Peace, love and good will to all :)
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Optimistic Idiot!
Hmmm it has been some time...ok a long time since i last blogged. I've been busy studying to be an Interior Designer. Hopefully all these sleepless nights, of watching the sun rise and then catching some shut for a few hours,going to bed, when the rest of the known world is jus waking up..and all that shit, pays off.
The rest of my life, the little thats left of it, is good. At the end of the day, I can't really complain. Everything is exactly how I'd want it to be. There is the occasional day here and there, where the grumpy puss in me refuses to smile or even fake one. But then we're never satisfied are we? There's always a reason to be pissed off and angry at the world, for reasons that most of the time we don't understand ourselves...
I guess it's those rare coffee time conversations, or giggling at how moronic sponge bob square pants is, or hitting that note in an amy lee song, or getting a new lil puppy that keep me from going insane!
The way I see it, my life is what I make it.
So what if these days, my social life is on the brink of extinction, i see my family for 15 mins at dinner everyday, or that i look like Im a picture taken midway while Dr. Jekyll was turning into Mr. Hyde! I believe there is something better to all of this..
P.S Don't u just love the optimist in me :P
oh and HAPPY 18TH MINELLE!! :D whoo hoo!
The rest of my life, the little thats left of it, is good. At the end of the day, I can't really complain. Everything is exactly how I'd want it to be. There is the occasional day here and there, where the grumpy puss in me refuses to smile or even fake one. But then we're never satisfied are we? There's always a reason to be pissed off and angry at the world, for reasons that most of the time we don't understand ourselves...
I guess it's those rare coffee time conversations, or giggling at how moronic sponge bob square pants is, or hitting that note in an amy lee song, or getting a new lil puppy that keep me from going insane!
The way I see it, my life is what I make it.
So what if these days, my social life is on the brink of extinction, i see my family for 15 mins at dinner everyday, or that i look like Im a picture taken midway while Dr. Jekyll was turning into Mr. Hyde! I believe there is something better to all of this..
P.S Don't u just love the optimist in me :P
oh and HAPPY 18TH MINELLE!! :D whoo hoo!
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Life and Love and Why...
Stop me if you've heard this before
"Love is a many splendored thing"
Too late, I already said it. Not that I know what "many splendored" is, but it sounds profound and was once said by a very wise person (Or someone with far too much time on their hands). This thing called love, it's ok though; makes you feel a little giddy, your stomach churns and you break out in a bit of a sweat.
If that's how you feel, you may want to consult a doctor and test yourself for the flu.
But wait. What ever happened to, Love lifts us up where we belong? Love makes us act like we are fools? ALL you need is LOVE?
Im sure there's many of us who think this kinda thing is so cliche and doesn't really exist today. Or does it?
Heck, call me crazy, but Im one of those people who'd like to believe this Love, stereotypical, unaldulterated, easy to believe in, made-in-the-movies, kinda love does exist.
I have this suspicion because, how else would you explain all those love songs? Or love letters, or all those books written on this tiny four letter word?
How else? Unless someone did really experience it?
But then, lets stop by the real world again. A couple I know broke up after 8 years. Yeah, I know that's a long time, but you know what, shit happens, life's like that, blah de blah blah. I'm kind of ok with them breaking up, but what I can't handle is the fact that they STILL love each other.Yup.
Man, these complications almost make me want to quit the human race and apply to be an unemotional potted plant. Just imagine, all the manure in the world, you get watered by your owner (or your owner's dog) and nobody would care if you had sex in broad daylight. Emotions, on the other hand complicate everything.
Can you imagine being with someone for forever? Makes me wonder is it even possible to love someone THAT long?
More and more people seem to break up these days, and it's faster and uglier that too! Claiming "irreconcilable differences", or the simple fact that things change, and hence, so do people.
Can you grow, mature, evolve, have individual personalities and opinions, and STILL be in love?. Can you be two different people, and still be in love?
Why is it that people can't love each other for who they are; here and now.
Not for who they were, who you think they are or who you think you can turn them into? Trust man to screw things up for himself, and then complain that the world lacks that one key ingredient called "Love"
Here's one universal truth that applies to anyone, anywhere.
If you really want to experience true, unconditional I-don't-care-what-you-do-I-still-love-you kind of love, get yourself a pet.
Coz obviously, we human beings don't seem to have a freakin clue.
"Love is a many splendored thing"
Too late, I already said it. Not that I know what "many splendored" is, but it sounds profound and was once said by a very wise person (Or someone with far too much time on their hands). This thing called love, it's ok though; makes you feel a little giddy, your stomach churns and you break out in a bit of a sweat.
If that's how you feel, you may want to consult a doctor and test yourself for the flu.
But wait. What ever happened to, Love lifts us up where we belong? Love makes us act like we are fools? ALL you need is LOVE?
Im sure there's many of us who think this kinda thing is so cliche and doesn't really exist today. Or does it?
Heck, call me crazy, but Im one of those people who'd like to believe this Love, stereotypical, unaldulterated, easy to believe in, made-in-the-movies, kinda love does exist.
I have this suspicion because, how else would you explain all those love songs? Or love letters, or all those books written on this tiny four letter word?
How else? Unless someone did really experience it?
But then, lets stop by the real world again. A couple I know broke up after 8 years. Yeah, I know that's a long time, but you know what, shit happens, life's like that, blah de blah blah. I'm kind of ok with them breaking up, but what I can't handle is the fact that they STILL love each other.Yup.
Man, these complications almost make me want to quit the human race and apply to be an unemotional potted plant. Just imagine, all the manure in the world, you get watered by your owner (or your owner's dog) and nobody would care if you had sex in broad daylight. Emotions, on the other hand complicate everything.
Can you imagine being with someone for forever? Makes me wonder is it even possible to love someone THAT long?
More and more people seem to break up these days, and it's faster and uglier that too! Claiming "irreconcilable differences", or the simple fact that things change, and hence, so do people.
Can you grow, mature, evolve, have individual personalities and opinions, and STILL be in love?. Can you be two different people, and still be in love?
Why is it that people can't love each other for who they are; here and now.
Not for who they were, who you think they are or who you think you can turn them into? Trust man to screw things up for himself, and then complain that the world lacks that one key ingredient called "Love"
Here's one universal truth that applies to anyone, anywhere.
If you really want to experience true, unconditional I-don't-care-what-you-do-I-still-love-you kind of love, get yourself a pet.
Coz obviously, we human beings don't seem to have a freakin clue.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Of Fun and Friendship.....

19th may 2007.
Thats the day we had the last party in Ashish's house. And it was at that time, somewhere between a few of ur being high and happy, some of us being not high, but "TALL" lol, somewhere between Ashish yelling, "YOU'RE DRUNK YOU STUPID ASRE" (yes Ashish is known to be very helpful towards his drunk friends and an expert in dealing with situations like these, so much so that he has been nick-named "PAPA"), between fooling around with the camera, making sure we have a lot of memories of this day, that it hit me...This might never happen ever again....
Have you ever longed to be a grown up? I have. The thought of no school, no boring History teacher, no examinations, being able to sleep at any time you please, not having to close your eyes when "kissing scenes" come up on tv..haha...and above all not having mom picking out what clothes you should wear....it all seems like so much fun...so much freedom...
And then growing up happens, sure it seems good for a while, until you realize growing up is not all it's made out to be. That most of the details were hidden from you, left to you to discover yourself.
It doesn't seem that long ago, when everything seemed relatively simple. It's unfair how fast things change.
Back then the choir was 20 people, instead of 3. Ashish D'mello never worked, and now he's working till 8pm?!!? Entertainment consisted of poking fun at each other (it still does) Back then curfew was 10pm, vodka was unheard of (well atleast to me, considering I was always the "bachaa", the difference now is that Ashish and Victor will not pay 2 rupees, just so that I can pee!!..LONG story, I shall not elaborate further!!)
Not so long ago I remember these people, these friends, the laughter, the tears, the silly jokes, and long hours spent together, even the embarassing moments that we are reminded of over and over again.
Most of my friends are now in different places, in different parts of the world. One more person in search of their dreams, their own purpose in life. And even though these things are supposed to happen, things like growing up, it's sad to think, that there won't be another day, where all of us are just hanging out in Coffee House, enjoying yet another coffee, doing the same crazy things we used to!
And then you think, what if, what if things never go back to how they used to be?....What if little things like choir practise become a distant memory? What if I never want this to end?
And then these memories of Sunday coffee, or dinner at Hot Taste, or long drives, or picnics to Swami's. Barbeque parties and dancing all night. Of drink nights and drunk nights, of fights and arguments, or moments of laughter and those of tears. Of bitching about people and making fun of each other. Become just that --- Memories to cherish always...
I know everyone thinks that their friends are the best, the greatest. And I am one of them too. I love these people, the people I call close friends....
One of my favourite tv shows of all time is "The Wonder Years", that aired when I was a kid. It was about growing up, going where life took you. Kevin Arnold, finally didn't end up with the girl he'd loved all his life, Winnie Cooper. And maybe thats just how life is. Unfair. But most often everyone's story, usually ends with "a happily ever after", even though there maybe a lot of shit in between. This is how "The Wonder Years" all ended, with a grown up Kevin Arnold saying--
"Growing up happens in a heartbeat. One day you're in diapers, the next day you're gone. But the memories of childhood stay with you for the long haul. I remember a place, a town, a house like a lot of other houses, a yard like a lot of other yards, on a street like a lot of other streets. And the thing is, after all these years, I still look back....with wonder."
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