19th may 2007.
Thats the day we had the last party in Ashish's house. And it was at that time, somewhere between a few of ur being high and happy, some of us being not high, but "TALL" lol, somewhere between Ashish yelling, "YOU'RE DRUNK YOU STUPID ASRE" (yes Ashish is known to be very helpful towards his drunk friends and an expert in dealing with situations like these, so much so that he has been nick-named "PAPA"), between fooling around with the camera, making sure we have a lot of memories of this day, that it hit me...This might never happen ever again....
Have you ever longed to be a grown up? I have. The thought of no school, no boring History teacher, no examinations, being able to sleep at any time you please, not having to close your eyes when "kissing scenes" come up on tv..haha...and above all not having mom picking out what clothes you should wear....it all seems like so much fun...so much freedom...
And then growing up happens, sure it seems good for a while, until you realize growing up is not all it's made out to be. That most of the details were hidden from you, left to you to discover yourself.
It doesn't seem that long ago, when everything seemed relatively simple. It's unfair how fast things change.
Back then the choir was 20 people, instead of 3. Ashish D'mello never worked, and now he's working till 8pm?!!? Entertainment consisted of poking fun at each other (it still does) Back then curfew was 10pm, vodka was unheard of (well atleast to me, considering I was always the "bachaa", the difference now is that Ashish and Victor will not pay 2 rupees, just so that I can pee!!..LONG story, I shall not elaborate further!!)
Not so long ago I remember these people, these friends, the laughter, the tears, the silly jokes, and long hours spent together, even the embarassing moments that we are reminded of over and over again.
Most of my friends are now in different places, in different parts of the world. One more person in search of their dreams, their own purpose in life. And even though these things are supposed to happen, things like growing up, it's sad to think, that there won't be another day, where all of us are just hanging out in Coffee House, enjoying yet another coffee, doing the same crazy things we used to!
And then you think, what if, what if things never go back to how they used to be?....What if little things like choir practise become a distant memory? What if I never want this to end?
And then these memories of Sunday coffee, or dinner at Hot Taste, or long drives, or picnics to Swami's. Barbeque parties and dancing all night. Of drink nights and drunk nights, of fights and arguments, or moments of laughter and those of tears. Of bitching about people and making fun of each other. Become just that --- Memories to cherish always...
I know everyone thinks that their friends are the best, the greatest. And I am one of them too. I love these people, the people I call close friends....
One of my favourite tv shows of all time is "The Wonder Years", that aired when I was a kid. It was about growing up, going where life took you. Kevin Arnold, finally didn't end up with the girl he'd loved all his life, Winnie Cooper. And maybe thats just how life is. Unfair. But most often everyone's story, usually ends with "a happily ever after", even though there maybe a lot of shit in between. This is how "The Wonder Years" all ended, with a grown up Kevin Arnold saying--
"Growing up happens in a heartbeat. One day you're in diapers, the next day you're gone. But the memories of childhood stay with you for the long haul. I remember a place, a town, a house like a lot of other houses, a yard like a lot of other yards, on a street like a lot of other streets. And the thing is, after all these years, I still look back....with wonder."
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