Tuesday, May 1, 2007


GOA!! The land of fun, feni, fish and football!!!

After all that running around from place to place in Mumbai (although I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it) it’s time to retreat to Goa. Goa looks and feels like a small town, where time runs at it’s own pace. The lifestyle here is so unhurried. A complete opposite of what Mumbai was. I intend to enjoy myself here. Who wouldn’t? lol…

No, this isn’t my first trip to Goa; every summer of my life, ever since I can remember has been spent here. So much so, that I’ve never seen Goa during any other part of year. (This year of course it’s April instead of May, and although I’m hoping it’ll be a little less humid, I doubt that’s gonna happen). Despite that, Goa never seems to lose its charm….I still can’t wait to get out, explore, and find new things!

The rustle of the coconut trees and the breaking of the surf on the sea shore…ahh I could get used to this (I’m sure of course in a little while I’d be pretty bored of it all…sometimes Goa seems to be a bit too slow, but maybe that’s only because I’m vacationing) Goa welcomes anyone, everyone, everything blends happily with the sun, surf, sand, and that special feeling Goan’s call ‘susegad’ which roughly translates to, ‘why do today, what you can do tomorrow?’ Pretty sensible don’t you think?

Which brings us to the Goan’s!...they are a CRAZY bunch of fun loving people, in love with life, and all that it has to offer! All they need is some ‘FENI’ (which is Goa’s favourite four letter word by the way ;). Some good Goan music (galyan sangli sonyachi, hi pori konachi??...is some Goan song, but I don’t really know what it translates to, sorry) and above all else, how can anything that is Goan be complete without A LOT of good Goan food!!....yummy!

Yes, I myself am a crazy Goan, but my craziness is a bit toned down, being born and brought up in Nagpur and all… ;) I sometimes enjoy getting carried away with the whole “Goan-ness”, a welcome change from the usual boring stuff I’m used to.

Goa’s so pretty and has so much natural beauty, you can walk out of the house and at once you’re surrounded by ‘green’. And if you wanted you could even go climb a little hillock and explore nature outside. In Nagpur all you see for miles are tarred roads and tall buildings. So this is most definitely a welcome change.

I’m gonna be staying with some relatives, in a place called Thivim, in the north of Goa. It’s a pretty quiet place, and I’m sure it qualifies as a ‘village’ here. (No, people here do own televisions and computers (phew, thank God for that), but it’s very different from anything in Nagpur. It’s surrounded by mango trees and vegetation, even has a little river flowing just opposite the house, but it’s always dry in the summer, and guess what everyone knows everyone. Ryan will be showing me around Goa. He’s promised me pristine beaches, long drives, partying, a lot of adventure and even a chance to attend a traditional Goan wedding (not that I think it’ll be any different than Goan weddings in Nagpur, but this Goan wedding will actually be in Goa, I’ll be surrounded by ‘high’ Goans and the booze are on the house so, even better, yay!!) Speaking of which, the Goan’s are such nice people, that the booze around here is as cheap as water….go figure..lol ;)

All set and ready to begin!.....

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