Sunday, July 1, 2007

Life and Love and Why...

Stop me if you've heard this before

"Love is a many splendored thing"

Too late, I already said it. Not that I know what "many splendored" is, but it sounds profound and was once said by a very wise person (Or someone with far too much time on their hands). This thing called love, it's ok though; makes you feel a little giddy, your stomach churns and you break out in a bit of a sweat.
If that's how you feel, you may want to consult a doctor and test yourself for the flu.

But wait. What ever happened to, Love lifts us up where we belong? Love makes us act like we are fools? ALL you need is LOVE?
Im sure there's many of us who think this kinda thing is so cliche and doesn't really exist today. Or does it?
Heck, call me crazy, but Im one of those people who'd like to believe this Love, stereotypical, unaldulterated, easy to believe in, made-in-the-movies, kinda love does exist.
I have this suspicion because, how else would you explain all those love songs? Or love letters, or all those books written on this tiny four letter word?
How else? Unless someone did really experience it?

But then, lets stop by the real world again. A couple I know broke up after 8 years. Yeah, I know that's a long time, but you know what, shit happens, life's like that, blah de blah blah. I'm kind of ok with them breaking up, but what I can't handle is the fact that they STILL love each other.Yup.

Man, these complications almost make me want to quit the human race and apply to be an unemotional potted plant. Just imagine, all the manure in the world, you get watered by your owner (or your owner's dog) and nobody would care if you had sex in broad daylight. Emotions, on the other hand complicate everything.

Can you imagine being with someone for forever? Makes me wonder is it even possible to love someone THAT long?

More and more people seem to break up these days, and it's faster and uglier that too! Claiming "irreconcilable differences", or the simple fact that things change, and hence, so do people.
Can you grow, mature, evolve, have individual personalities and opinions, and STILL be in love?. Can you be two different people, and still be in love?
Why is it that people can't love each other for who they are; here and now.
Not for who they were, who you think they are or who you think you can turn them into? Trust man to screw things up for himself, and then complain that the world lacks that one key ingredient called "Love"

Here's one universal truth that applies to anyone, anywhere.
If you really want to experience true, unconditional I-don't-care-what-you-do-I-still-love-you kind of love, get yourself a pet.
Coz obviously, we human beings don't seem to have a freakin clue.